You might have heard I was in Dallas for a business conference a couple of months ago.
One of the speakers was none other than Robert Greene, who presented a few of the key lessons from his book 48 LAWS OF POWER.
His presentation was superb. A key point he made was the distracted society we live in. Particularly referencing the toxicity and uselessness of social media. I believe we are close to seeing evidence that – contrary to what some may think – we as a society are becoming less informed and dumber by the day.
Think about it – how can anyone expect to understand an issue, problem, challenge, concept, whatever, if they get a 10-second triple-regurgitated info-meme from some self-annointed ‘guru’ of whatever corner of the social media cyber-sewer they have inadvertently been caught in through cleverly targeted algorithms and tracking?
Books, it must be said, are the true source of knowledge and set one’s principles. Not someone else’s opinions. I.e. newspapers or cyber-babble.
The late billionaire, Charlie Munger, dubbed “the human calculator” said one of the fundamental keys to success of Warren Buffett is that his “first priority would be reservation of much time for quiet reading and thinking particularly that which might advance his determined learning, no matter how old he became”. Whoever said reading can’t pay the bills?
I’m a self-anointed ‘guru slayer’ and for years have made a point to find the source books or reference books of the books upon books upon books from which a snippet got vomited into your social media feed.
They’re mostly old books, some written in prose that’s quite different to how we speak today. Just try to read Ralph Waldo Emerson’s SELF RELIANCE in a hurry and still get the take-home points.
I want you to copy and paste this into your browser, or get it on your Kindle; just buy it and start reading it today – THE MILLIONAIRE NEXT DOOR by Thomas J. Stanley and William D. Danko. Do it.
It’s easy to read, easy to understand, relatively recent and eminently relevant.
You’re welcome. Now get busy reading.
If you’re sick of bubblegum for the brain, have tried to DIY your own mortgage and stuffed it up, reckon old mate at the bank is a peanut or your current mortgage broker is a wannabe, and want to get the knowledge from me, aka the Guru Slayer, then book your free 10-minute intro call valued at $54.80 >>HERE.
Someone should instigate Mental Wealth Day.
Just an idea.
Brodie Brown
BH Brown Mortgage Brokers