You know those stories you hear about the old bloke who stopped working then fell off the perch a few weeks afterwards?
Then his missus decided that now she had nothing much to live for and joined him.
And the reverse.
Like they “arrived” and then… departed.
I like this phrase “You must enjoy the journey” because it implies that there is no destination, and the more I ponder the more I believe I don’t want to arrive.
Speaking to a friend the other day, we were talking about how when we were in our 20’s that all we needed was a Lambo or big-ass gin palace and we would know we had arrived.
Like having those things was the be-all, end-all.
Then we realised cars are a pain in the arse and most people who ponce around in ridiculous cars look like insecure knobs. And they’re usually technically broke. And the gin palace, well, you’re better off knowing someone who’s got one because they too, are a pain in the arse.
So owning “things” is “nice” but without enough substance to maintain any deeper sense of fulfillment.
Recently, I was asked about success and what that means to me.
A wine or two deep, and taking a minute to reply, something like this came out:
“Success to me is when I have the choice, when and how to work, to be able to get up and go somewhere or do anything I wish without constraints.”
So if we’re talking about “arriving” at a financial or career-life point, I’d say the above sounds pretty good to me and a lot of people I speak to.
But “arriving” at a destination where there’s no work, or because a helicopter is in the hangar? That’s not for me.
Having a choice and time is what it’s all about.
Problem is, of course, that there’s two major negative forces working against most people.
The first is borrowed money.
Second is cashflow.
The principles discussed in my book, Millionaire Mortgage Secrets still hold up a couple of years after writing. An unpaid mortgage is THE handbrake on your freedom. Remember, you bought the money, not the house.
Unless we’re talking about very lightly geared situations where there is heaps of positive net cashflow. Which is an outcome, not a starting point.
You must be working towards being mortgage-free.
Which leads me to my second point:
You can’t pay your way without the folding stuff. It’s THE energy which converts ideas into experiences or things.
To have it, you’ve gotta free it up from servicing your mortgage.
Without that, you simply cannot invest.
So that leaves us with a very simple two-pronged approach we could take to arriving somewhere more financially secure, or free, than we are today.
Sounds simple. Why isn’t everyone doing it?
Because achieving low loan balances and sufficient free, non-earned cashflow requires all of the following factors consistently applied over many years: self-education, discipline, unrelenting effort, thought, action and practise (verb).
You hear people whinge that most of the wealth is in the hands of older generations – no shit – that’s because it takes decades to compound and accumulate. It’s simple maths conveniently overlooked then twisted into a populist political stance. So be patient – you are not entitled to financial security – it must be earned through hard work.
One major problem is few people have created a big enough reason “why” they must do what’s necessary to get to that place where they feel they have “arrived”, or enjoy their version of success. If you don’t know where you want to go, how the hell will you ever get there?
Me and my team can help you make progress on your journey – way faster – with tailored, Professional Mortgage Advice.
Request your free, 10-minute Introductory Consultation with me => HERE ($54.80 of value at no cost), or call 94331312 if you’re struggling to find a convenient slot.
p.s. We are fffing busy. Please be organised before the call and know what you want to talk to me about.
Brodie Brown