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The most important rule in creating financial security?

Boarding the flight to Bali yesterday morning (one of the last to board as usual) I was greeted with a most amusing sight.

In the third or fourth aisle, on either side, sat identical couples.

Couple one consisted of a burly sort of bloke, black Yankees cap, instagram tats, fade, and label-covered clothing. Accompanying him, a bottle-blonde puffy-lipped, fake-tanned, fake-banged, fake-boobed, activewear-wearing, fake woman.  Both pouting, fingering their phones.

Couple two consisted of a burly sort of bloke, black Raiders cap, instagram tats, fade, and label-covered clothing. Accompanying him, a bottle-blonde puffy-lipped, fake-tanned, fake-banged, fake-boobed, activewear-wearing, fake woman. Both pouting, fingering their phones.

In case you haven’t noticed, humans are judging machines. I’ve managed to get rid of most of that and would call myself an “observer”.

Right, so. These two couples have “modelled” themselves on the latest instagram look down to the last detail. It’s a common look and I’m assuming from Insta because I don’t have it.

Modelling is literally just that. Using ‘something’ or ‘someone’ as a model of how to do something (or look like someone, apparently).

Imitation. Monkey-see, monkey-do. Literally that simple.

What’s neat about this is, like my self-obsessed, broke, bogan co-passengers, the results can be remarkable.

It’s no wonder then, that very wealthy and financially secure folk model themselves on people who’ve demonstrated their model of success works.

I’ve got a few ‘models’:

Mental and physical fitness – Bruce Lee

Against all odds uber-success – Arnie

Inarguably the greatest businessmen of the 20th and 21st centuries – Warren and Charlie (the more Charlie I watch on YouTube the more I like him)

Poverty to Billionaire – Kerry Stokes

Humble loaded bloke who’s never had a boss – My Old Man.

Philosopher – Marcus Aurelius

Polarising man of truth – Jordan Peterson

Life – Jim Rohn

Marketer and promoter- Grant Cardone

This is just a few of the people I read, watch, study, follow, and model myself on. 

All of these people, for a fact, imitate others who went before them. Even Marcus.

It’s uncanny. The consistent, constant application of the lessons I’ve learned from these men (so shoot me; I’m a masculine man who looks up to successful masculine men) have paid compounding dividends.

It’s a slow process. Success-modelling, if I can call it that, takes years. Decades, even.

Image modelling takes a week.

It’s one of the reasons why I know with a high degree of certainty (it’s my job to know) that the insta-bogans are broke.

And the unassuming, neatly put-together couple with laugh lined faces, both reading thick books in the first row are rich. When you’ve seen it enough times, you just know what it looks like (and their watches gave them away).

You don’t have to know fantastically successful people to be coached by them or model them.

There’s books and content readily available until your eyes hurt. Use them. Learn them.

Speaking of books, did you take the time to read mine yet?

Yeah, the Millionaire Mortgage Secrets book. I wrote it after observing truly Financially Secure (and personally secure) people in my 20-year career. 

Here’s the PDF e-book if you missed your copy.

And be sure to take me up on the offer for a free 10-minute intro consultation  AFTER you’ve read it.

p.s. This was a long blog, I know, but if you don’t follow this rule, you won’t succeed. Simple as that. 


Brodie Brown

Professional Mortgage Broker