Much of what we set out to achieve in life – in all areas – comes down to mindset.
I’m re-reading one of Napoleon Hill’s huge books (LAW OF SUCCESS) at the moment and recently finished Maxwell Maltz’s book on PSYCHO-CYBERNETICS for the second time, different edition.
They talk about the shift from poverty to prosperity mindset. I like that for its simplicity.
The naysayers and mediocre-ites don’t and won’t get it, that’s why they remain in the middle or the bottom, but high-performers in life, business, sport, top athletes, competitors in all fields, amazing parents, etc. etc. know exactly what I’m talking about here.
Can you imagine the psychological game when the opposition to the 90’s Bulls team of Pippen, “The Worm” and MJ ran onto the court? The game was over in the locker room before the starting buzzer.
In this game of life, what is going on in your head is what will determine the outcome.
At the end of an intense yoga or weights session, while windsurfing or skiing or in meditation, I often come up with neat little phrases or good ideas, some which actually remain good after further consideration.
I’d been pondering the conundrum of having a large cash balance and what to do about refraining from spending like it’s endless and magically came up with this little gem: “think rich, act poor”.
What I mean, especially for the higher earners, is to remain mindful that you must avoid spending more as you earn more, or begin to have access to a larger pool of cash.
You need to remain loyal to your budget and remind yourself of your ultimate goals with increasing frequency as things begin to ‘come up’ for you. The whole family needs to exercise discipline, including the kids and what is spent on them. I’m still blown away by a $2,000 iPhone in the hands of teenage kids. (To me that’s just obscene, not to mention the toxicity of what they consume)
You must continue to remind yourself of the objective, many times daily.
I recently met a businessman living in an eye-popping property on the water in Perth and couldn’t help making fun of his bare feet, old rugby shorts and worn out polo. The embodiment of financially secure. It has nothing to do with appearances, it’s a feeling. And a powerful one at that. Discipline plays a major part here, too.
Talk to me about setting up a creative mortgage structure to save you from yourself and keep you heading towards your goals. Request your free 10-minute introductory finance consultation here. ($54.80 of my time).
Slots evaporate so book today or call 94331312 if you need a time which isn’t available, we’ll do our best to get you in.
Brodie Brown